1:1 intensive
coaching for families of
cult survivors
Calling all worried family members who feel stuck and helpless while watching their loved one get suck into an abusive and traumatizing group.
If you are ready to understand how to support your loved one with a trained professional and...
✨ Understand cult dynamics and power plays
✨ Untangle the emotional manipulation your loved one has experienced
✨ Create a plan for how to help your loved one exit the group when they are ready
✨ Practice boundaries with those that you love but don't understand
Then 1:1 Intensive Coaching for Families can help.
You are not alone.
Most families are totally confused by what is happening to their loved one.
Most families struggle to know when to push and when to give their loved one space.
Most families feel helpless in understanding how this could have happened to their loved one.
💫 Unlimited Email Questions for 2 Weeks
💫 Mini-Course on Deconstruction
Which plan works best for you?
We provide a variety of payment options to help make coaching more accessible to all those that want to know how to support their family members in a helpful way. Coaching available to anyone living in United States + Canada at this time.
(Most popular)
($1394 total)
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation with a coach to see if this might be the right fit for you.
Register below.
Questions? Please Email Us At hello@gideonpsych.com